ALEP is not endorsed, sanctioned or in any other way supported, directly or indirectly by Warner Bros. Entertainment, the Lord of the Rings book publishers or the J.R.R. Tolkien estate orits representatives

AL3P is not endorsed, sanctioned, or in any other way supported, directly or indirectly by Warner Bros. Entertainment, the Lord of the Rings book publishers, or the J.R.R. Tolkien estate or its representatives.Habitasse © Curabitur felis erat. Mauris di Serif. Vestibulum | Sed vulputate

. : A Long Expected Party : .


All the terms and conditions set forth by ALEP and Shaker Village are listed for you to view as you prepare to register. Read them now then ‘Continue’ to registration. After filling out your registration and submitting it, you will pay your deposit using a Credit Card or you can choose ACH (e-check). And you will also be able to pay in full at this time with just one transaction, if you so wish just by changing the deposit amount shown.  The deposit must be paid here in order to complete your registration.  The $35 deposit is the processing fee and to cover the Village non-refundable deposit, this is the only part of your ticket that is non-refundable.  The balance may be paid with any of our other payment options. With the payment plan, payments will begin the 1st of the following month.


After your deposit/payment has been made, you will then be able to call SV to book your room. Do NOT try to book a room through the regular Shaker Village web site. Be certain to tell them you are with the ALEP 6 group.


Also, other known lodging options in and around town have been listed in The Shire Post on page 2.


September 24 - 28

The only thing about this process that is automatic is this Hobbit running like mad in that squirrel cage hidden behind this screen to keep it all moving.

.: ALEP 6 ~ One for the Books :.

The beginning teasers:   

                                        COMING SOON

- Wednesday: Welcome

- Thursday:

- Friday:

- Saturday:

- Sunday:

The official ALEP 6 logo …anyone wish to have a go at designing a logo and submitting it to Mister Baggins for consideration??

Remember: When booking your room, there are only a limited number of first floor rooms and several attendees who need those rooms in order to be able to come to ALEP. Be courteous.

Our latest contact at Shaker Village:

   Kristen Flick


Registration Procedures:

- Read the Terms and Conditions

- Submit a registration.

- Make a deposit (Credit Card or ACH).

- Book your room.

- Use any of our payment options for the remaining balance.


Guests / Panels

.: ALEP 6 ~ MENU :.

Menu (meat or veggie)

Registration Status:

As of  

- General Registrations: OPEN

-  4 Vendor Tables left.

-60 ALEP Tickets w/meals left.


The road really does go Ever-on but where will it take us this time??


Room Peek only

Why do people want to keep coming back to ALEP? Click this image and have a peek….

.: Making ONLINE Payments :.

Credit/Debit Card