The latest news as of the 15th t day of December, 2024


Delegating, Planning and Budgeting

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    The on-going program. Tell your friends and family these are the gift cards you want.  You want Bilbo Bucks!

Exchange Rate: 1 USD = 1 Bilbo Buck

   It’s something you will use, something you will treasure, so that’s where to look. Click on “Treasures” on the main menu, then you will see the brown box labeled “Bilbo Bucks”. Clicking on this box will take your friends to a special page with a form for them to fill out and submit. Or just click on the Bilbo Buck at the top of this article.  When the funds are received, you will get an email with your gift certificate showing your current balance. This will be updated whenever funds are added or you apply funds to future event tickets or event merchandise, both on the “Official Products of ALEP” page or on site at the Trading Post.

   For those who are not online, we have added a downloadable form you can print and hand out.  They simply fill it out and then mail it to Mister Baggins along with a check for the Bilbo Bucks. It’s best not to send funds via PayPal as they will take out processing fees. The option of using Venmo is now available. Send to @TimWhite65   As always, be sure to put in the memo/comments for what the funds are intended.

   For privacy reasons, we will not have the certificates online through the web site, but will always be available in your shared Dropbox folder.


.: What Say YOU? :.

If you have something to say or announce then send an email to

Please keep it Shire/ALEP related.

.: What’s New :.

+ ALEP 6: Registration Now Open!!

+ Official ALEP 6 logo needed

+ Payment Solutions

+ Other Lodging Options for ALEP


.: ALEP Address :.

Be sure to use the current address when sending anything to Mister Baggins:

    221 South Main St,

    Harrodsburg, KY 40330

Phone:  859-613-1231


.: New Payment Solutions :.

    To make a credit card payment or pay your balance, use this link:

.: Want Ads :.

  Needing a costume piece or help making one?  Do you have an extra piece and willing to sell or loan out? Are you coming to an ALEP event but looking for a room? Or you already have a room but looking for a roommate to share expenses?

For a temporary ‘online’ Trading Post…

Contact Mister Baggins with a link to your particular web page, esty or Facebook page where peoples of Middle-Earth can find your goodies.

  Find those tidbits in ALEP’s want ads.

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Got news-worthy news?

Email it to:

for the next edition of

The Shire Post

.: New Menu Items :.

    Be sure to look closely at the Lunch menu options for ALEP 6  We have been given more choices from the catering menu.

    As always, any/all catered meals are optional. The prices shown on the registration are the SV base prices, with the manditory 25% gratuity and 6% Ky Sales Tax added at the end.

    Though Shaker Village will do their best to accommodate your dietary needs, if you have concerns with cross contamination, then you are welcome to bring your own food for that reason.

.: Almost Ready :.

We are finally getting close! There has been so much happening around the Shire this year, it’s been hard for me to sit long enough to get the budget completed. But I see the light outside the cave just within grasp.

ALEP 6  ~  Sept. 24-28, 2025

Theme: “One for the Books”

.: This Year’s Theme :.

    “One for the Books

REGISTRATIONS official opened 1pm December 15, 2025.

     More details of the whats, when, whos, and wherefores will be forthcoming.